Hypnosis for Weight Loss

Posted on July 2, 2008. Filed under: Hypnotherapy For.... | Tags: , , , , , , , |

An interesting article on hypnosis and how it can help with weight loss. Found at www.hypnosis.edu.
clipped from www.hypnosis.edu

Hypnosis for Weight Loss
Hypnosis is a powerful tool but exactly HOW does it work? The real magic is that hypnosis works as both a “magic wand” and as a “snowball gathering snow.”
The magic-wand effect is when you have a hypnosis session and your issue is solved instantly and without further effort. Magic!
The snowball effect is what you experience with several hypnosis sessions, in which each session reinforces and enhances the relief created by previous sessions.
We use hypnosis to change responses and behaviors. All responses and behaviors are learned. All that hypnosis really does is cause very rapid learning (or relearning) to take place so that new responses and behaviors become automatic.
Hypnosis allows this rapid learning to occur by interrupting the conscious, critical factor of the mind/brain.
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