Sleep Hypnosis for Insomnia

Posted on May 10, 2011. Filed under: Hypnotherapy For.... | Tags: , , , , , , , |

Sleeping should be something that is easy.  Something we do on a regular basis, in fact, we are supposed to sleep 7-8 hours a night. But, it’s not always easy for some people.  They lay in bed tossing and turning at night, their minds racing with worries and long to-do lists. It may be that you have a hard time falling asleep, or it may be that you fall asleep quickly only to awaken later and can’t fall asleep again. The minutes turn to hours until morning arrives. If you are someone who suffers from insomnia, you should try sleep hypnosis for insomnia.

Sometimes insomnia may be a medical problem or chemical side effect. Or, insomnia may be a symptom of stress and/or depression.  Some studies have shown that insomnia is closely linked to the levels of emotional stress and often tied to lifestyle changes.  Insomnia may most often be caused by thoughts, and not behaviors or physical problems.  Whatever the reason, getting less than 5-6 hours of sleep a night can be cause for disaster.  Insomnia can lead to crazy behavior, severe drowsiness, thinking problems, emotional issues, lowered immune system, and even weight gain.

Your subconscious mind is what helps your body function and regulates your automatic behaviors.  This is why hypnosis can be successful for insomnia, because it also uses your subconscious mind.  Hypnosis helps you to access this through deep relaxation and visualization techniques.

For example:  The four stages of sleep are:

Thinking – When we got to bed, we start to think about the day’s events or what will happen the next day, etc.

Fantasy – Whether you know it or not, when you are in bed and thinking, your thoughts eventually turn to thoughts of relaxation.

Hypnoidal – As the mind and body relax, the muscles release tension and then you enter a light stage of hypnosis.  You are still conscious but will experience distortion and some amnesia.  This stage must be entered in order to reach the last stage.  “Drifting” from one to the other.

Unconscious sleep – Not consciously aware of anything going on around.

Sleep hypnosis can help you to obtain each stage of sleep.  It is a technique of deep relaxation.  A hypnotherapist can make suggestions, help you create goals, set your mind at ease and relieve stress and even enhance confidence and modify behaviors.  The hypnotherapist will also be able to teach you self hypnosis techniques so that you can help yourself sleep in your own home.

If you are an insomniac, you have probably tried many different solutions such as seeing a doctor, taking medications, attending sleep clinics and possibly even natural remedies.  Sleep hypnosis for insomnia can help you avoid all this other stuff and give you the results you have been waiting for.  You will finally be able to get the rest you need.

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Medical Hypnosis

Posted on January 6, 2011. Filed under: Hypnotherapy For.... | Tags: , , , , , , |

Hypnosis has been used in the field of medicine for many years now. People are finding that the power of hypnosis can be a great healing tool.  Hypnosis can help cure bad habits, change behaviors, and reduce or conquer pain in many illnesses. Hypnosis can be used in place of medications. Not only that but some people have even used medical hypnosis in addition to or in place of anesthesia for undergoing surgery.

Hypnosis increases comfort and healing in many people.  Hypnosis can get rid of physical pain without the side of effects of drugs and medications. Medical hypnotherapy is one of the fastest growing practices in the field of health care.

One type of medical hypnosis that has gained a lot of popularity is known as hypno-anesthesia or hypno-surgery.  Research has proven that the leading cause of death during surgery is complications due to chemical anesthesia.  More and more people are looking to hypnosis to help in medical procedures because it is proven to increase comfort and help with healing.  Studies have shown that patients that underwent hypnosis before procedures had less pain and less use of pain medications after words and a faster recovery time than those that used general anesthesia.

So if you are considering alternatives to anesthesia, don’t rule out medical hypnosis.  It really does work.

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Hypnotherapy and NLP

Posted on September 14, 2009. Filed under: About Hypnotherapy, Hypnotherapy For.... | Tags: , , , |

As I have been doing research of hypnotherapy, I have come across the term NLP quite often.  I wasn’t absolutely sure what this meant, so I decided I would find out.  What is the difference between Hypnotherapy and NLP, and how and why do therapists use them together?

NLP stands for Neuro-Linguistic Programming.  Neuro is based on the idea that the way we behave stems from our neurological processes of the five senses, sight, hearing, smell, touch, taste.  Lingusitic is based on the idea that we use language and other non verbal communication to communicate with others. The programming part refers to ways that we can choose to organize our ideas, behaviors and actions to produce the results that we want.  So, in short, NLP is the relationship between how we think, communicate and behave.  By using NLP we can focus on the thoughts that influence our behaviors in order to improve the quality of our lives.

Hypnotherapy, as I have previously discussed, is when hypnosis is used for therapeutic purposes.  It can be used to help cure bad habits and behaviors as well as to help with anxiety, depression, and even pain.  Hypnotherapy can help to change patterns of bad behavior to good behaviors.

When combined, hypnotherapy and NLP can result in amazing outcomes.  Willpower becomes unnecessary as you find yourself changing in beneficial ways.  There are many hypnotherapy/NLP techniques and approaches that have been proven useful in helping people to change their thoughts, feelings and behaviors.

If you are struggling with smoking, weight loss, anxiety, depression, and much more, you should check into hypnotherapy and NLP.  It may just be the answer you are looking for.

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Common Hypnosis Techniques

Posted on July 11, 2009. Filed under: About Hypnotherapy, Hypnotherapy For.... | Tags: , , , , |

Hypnosis is used for many different things and in different ways. Hypnotherapists are trained to use various hypnosis techniques to help people. Some of the more common and effective hypnosis techniques used by hypnotherapists these days are listed below.

Age Regression Hypnosis

Age regression hypnosis is a common technique used to access the memories of a patient. During age regression hypnosis, the hypnotherapist gives the patient suggestions that allow them to revisit thoughts or feelings that they have had at certain points of their lives. It is helpful for a person to remember things from their past in order to realize why they may have a habit or problem that they are trying to conquer.

Guided Imagery Hypnosis

Another hypnosis technique which is an effective way in helping patients relax and remain calm is guided imagery. During this technique, the patient is told to imagine a new experience, which is carefully explained in order to relax the patient’s mind. Guided imagery helps to direct a patient’s imagination in order to help them.

Parts Therapy Hypnosis

Parts therapy hypnosis is a successful technique in helping individuals get to the bottom of their problems and issues. When using parts therapy hypnosis, the hypnotherapist has the patient analyze and break down their problems into specific parts.  After doing this, the hypnotherapist is able to identify the parts in which there are problems and can then suggest what to be next in order to resolve these problems.

Repetition Hypnosis

When using this technique the hypnotherapist makes suggestions regarding the changes that they need to make and repeats them over and over. The repetitiveness helps the patient to be more receptive to the change.

Confusion Hypnosis

In confusion hypnosis, the hypnotherapist gives odd indirect forms of suggestion in order to confuse the patient, which makes them more likely to respond to the direct forms of suggestions used in the other hypnosis techniques.

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HypnoBirthing Can Birth Really Be Pain Free?

Posted on April 14, 2009. Filed under: Hypnotherapy For.... | Tags: , |

This is very fascinating! I can’t wait to learn more about hypnobirthing.
clipped from
I initially began researching home water births however I soon realized that this was going to be difficult given the lack of midwives in our area and my 16 week delay in getting the ball rolling due to nasty morning sickness.
HypnoBirthing puts aside the myth that pain must be associated with childbirth.
When a woman is in tune with her body and is able to relax her mind along with her muscles, the birthing process is much easier.
Relaxing and breathing is something that is not easy during the intense labor process but with practice the woman is able to relax the muscles, especially the muscles of the uterine that facilitates the entire process.
HypnoBirthing is a natural process and differs immensely from the medical process.
It incorporates the use of breathing techniques, self-hypnosis and imagery for a shorter and easier birthing process. HypnoBirthing helps to eliminate FEAR, believed to be the main cause of pain and birth complications.
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The advantages of hypnotherapy over traditional medicines

Posted on August 12, 2008. Filed under: About Hypnotherapy | Tags: , , , , , , , |

Hypnotherapy, a form of alternative medicine, is the method of becoming hypnotized by a hypnotherapist or other qualified clinician, to treat and conquer health problems or other problems. Current studies have shown that approximately 40% of Americans try some type of alternative medicine instead of using pills or medications that might have harmful side effects. Scientific and medical specialists believe that many alternative remedies are really worth a try, and have seen very successful results, but you really should always check with your doctor first.

Many folks don’t want to try medications and pills to cure their symptoms. These kinds of medications usually come with side effects and several can even become very addictive. Hypnotherapy is a great alternative to traditional medicines. Hypnotherapy is a great way to manage pain, overcome many different disorders or diseases, and conquer bad habits. Scientifically verified, hypnosis is a great way to produce desired changes in behavior and encourage mental and physical well-being.

When you think about hypnosis, you might have misconceptions and wonder if it’s really safe and if it really will help. Think about this: Have you ever been so absorbed while reading a book, or watching television., that you don’t even realize things that are going on around you? Have you ever been driving relaxed for a while and when you arrive, you can’t remember how you got there? These are instances you were actually under hypnosis. We’ve all experienced being under hypnosis at one time or another. It’s totally harmless and is a really effective way to cure the problems that are bothering us.

Whatever the problem may be, you ought to consider hypnotherapy as an alternative form of treatment. The outcome is phenomenal. You don’t have to take my word for it, check out some hypnotherapy testimonials of many people that have had great success with Martha Wilks Harrison, and the Brigham Hypnosis Center.

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Hypnotherapy for Helping Children

Posted on July 30, 2008. Filed under: Hypnotherapy For.... | Tags: , , , , , , , , , |

Is your child suffering from anxieties, worries, phobias or other issues? If so, hypnotherapy can be the answer. The use of hypnotherapy in children has successfully treated anxiety, behavior problems and depression, and even discomfort and pain.

You may be wondering what hypnotherapy is. It is the mode of using hypnosis to cure an addiction, disease or any other symptom. Hypnotherapy in kids has been proven to treat things like bedwetting, nightmares, or sleep problems, fears of animals such as dogs or cats, pressure of exams and tests, and much more. One hypnotherapy technique that is specially used is known as the “blowaway” technique in which kids are inducted into a hypnotic state and told to “blow away” their bad feelings or emotions. Children seven or older respond extremely well to hypnotherapy and have astonishing results.

There are numerous other hypnotherapy techniques that work well in children also. A study at the University of Michigan uses hypnotherapy by instructing kids how to self-hypnotize in order to control negative habits, and other problems. Children learn to use relaxation techniques and mental images similar to a fantasy or daydream. Their website is an excellent resource for hypnotherapy in children.

So if you want help for your child, rather than depending on pricey medications that may have undesirable side effects, contemplate hypnotherapy. If you’re curious if hypnotherapy can really work out for your children, you ought to look at these hypnotherapy success stories. You will find a lot of centers and programs around the world that may have certified hypnotherapists to help you. One that I have noticed to be effective is the Brigham Hypnosis Clinic.

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What is Hypnotherapy?

Posted on May 15, 2008. Filed under: About Hypnotherapy | Tags: , , , , , , , |

Hypnotherapy is the use of hypnosis techniques to find core issues that may be the cause of health issues or other problems in a person’s life. Hypnosis is defined as an altered state of consciousness, characterized by increased responsiveness to suggestion. It is considered a natural state of mind that happens spontaneously but may also be purposefully induced. Hypnotherapy involves first relaxing the body and then shifting the client’s attention to certain ideas as suggested by the hypnotist or hypnotherapist.

Hypnotherapy has been used to treat many issues such as weight loss or to quit smoking. It is used to control mental issues such as anxiety or depression. It may also be used to help control pain. Hypnotherapy is a great alternative to medications and pills that can cause harmful side effects.

When thinking of hypnosis, you may have many misunderstandings. Some people think that when you are hypnotized you lose all control and that you may even be asked to do things that are embarrassing or out of your character. This is a common myth. Think about times that you may have been so totally absorbed while reading, or watching t.v., that you don’t even realize what is going on around you. Or maybe you have been driving comfortable for a while and on arriving at your destination, realizing that you can’t actually remember how you got there. These are times you were actually under hypnosis. We have all experienced being under hypnosis at one time or another. It is completely safe and can be a very effective way to treat the issues that are bothering us.

You may want to consider a career in hypnotherapy. There is becoming a higher demand for hypnotherpists in the world today, as people are looking for alternative forms of medication and treatment. Hypnotherapists can earn anywhere from $85-$125 per session or more. It is a great career choice and there are many resources and places that you can find hypnotherapy training. One that I have found to be very affordable is at the Brigham Hypnosis Center in Utah.

Whether you are considering having hypnotherapy treatment or even a starting a career in hypnotherapy, you can’t go wrong. So many people have had success in hypnotherapy. But don’t take my word for it, you can check out some of these success stories.

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